Golden eye of the butterfly

Most random blogpost...ever!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

and I'm done with elearning week. Now i ve got ONE MORE week of full school.. and then theres another break week. Wondering what break week is? it means theres at least one day without lessons. next next week there will be no lessons on 2 days! i seriously cant believe that. we are gonna be so so dead esp. for maths. cuz we re already struggling to finish the syllabus as it is. and then theres the celebration for teachers day.and then the following day is a school holiday! yay! yeah, oh well, its good for us i guess. an extra day to mug mug mug.. and i ve just finished some maths thingy. so hmm, but somehow i feeeeellll, tired yet energized! i dunno, i think im going a bit bit looney. :P oooh and people!, CONGRATULATE ME! ok that sounds ego la but still, i finished my mission! well me and my sisters mission! yay! *grins* mhm and so with that, i will go and take a shower. i ve got no book to read...oh man! *sighs.*
ohoh and i would like to sayyyy that banquo is so not hot. if at all, the actor of banquo is hot..heehee. wokay, i think im done for today. oh and selamat puasa to all my muslim friends. dont exhaust yourselves aiite? love ya ll loads. hi to the world!polka dotted socks are cool...bye now!

posted at 5:17 AM

P.D. my new hangout!~

Monday, August 17, 2009

and i shall keep my tradition of starting with and.heheheh. anyways, i just HAVE to say that e learning is really weird. Cant we just stick to normal school and what nots.i ean as it is, we re already sooo addicted to the internet. this is just going to make it worse. although i do admit, i love the fact that i get to stay at home and get up slightly later. but honestly, stick to normal learning. you cant exactly teach online, its kinda hard to do for maths and all. but, my weekend was awesome. PORT DICKSON is soo my new hangout. it cant get any better. the beach is windy, the pool is really deep and lonely cuz no one actually wants to get in to the deeper ends. honestly, i didnt want to either. i mean its 2.5m deep! thats like a little less than double me. but, nevertheless, it was superb! and also, the dress shopping we did for the bride and bridesmaids needs. yes, my cousins wedding is coming up. the shoes and dresses really matched. and i did get something for myself too, whoops!
and thats gonna be the end, cuz i have to pick my lazy lazy butt up and go to school, for council meeting. gahhh, im so malas today.. and my NOSE is peeling from all the sun! although, admittedly, i ve got no idea what that has to do with me not going to school, but yes, i am VERY tiredddd...

posted at 8:50 PM

The earth hath bubbles, as the water has

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

annnd we're almost done with the oh-so dreaded CTs. they weren't so bad, bu ti wont talk yet, the worst is yet to come. i think everyone's going a bit off their rockers. hallucinating about teachers talking to them and what nots..haha dont worry people, it WILL be over soon. gosh, and we re all hoping to go even madder after its over... lit was today, it was a real pain.. i mean isn't who knows why the witches influenced macbeths decision.. it's who cares.. but i must say, there was a bit of fun involved. and i have to go, maths and geog to mugg for.

'the raven himself is hoarse that croaks the fatal entrance'


posted at 6:13 AM